Sunday, 22 November 2009


a flyer i did yesturday for my friends folk night, i was incredibly hungover and it isss sort of ment to look nieve.. and shabby.. oh dear..

Thursday, 19 November 2009

mike brodie

mike brodie pictures, im missing bristol days, having chickens and the raggedy times of living in the castle. we used to have the best fires.


some new drawings from my sketchbook...

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Bear skin

Our new brief, to illustrate a story with five images, i only got the brief the day before it was due but this is what i did last night... 

 My stories 'Bearskin'. 

This is meant to be the young soldier before becomes the bear

  and this is the younger daughter who keeps her fathers word. 

there's more to come, the boy as bearskin all hairy and gnarled, the devil that tempts him and the old father with the pouch of money, ive just got to find a scanner that works...