Wednesday 7 July 2010


Hurray~Huraah ive just sold a wood carving i made last year, a Happy £250 in the bank!!!

Me, my boyfriend and mate Tommy have set up a printing studio in a disused chapel, we stocked up on inks rollers and burnishers from Intagllio print makers by borough market. (which by the way is an absolutly brilliant shop, they sell everything you could possibly want for printing) We've got soo much space and its pretty nice to being able to listen to your own music, smoke and drink whilst working. So im hoping for a productive summer!

I liked the wasp factory when i read it befor and although its popular moby dick tempted me, but i think im gona go with Daniel Defos "journal of a plague year" its relevant for me spending my summer in london, plus there havnt been that many covers designed for it. Im looking forward to this project, it seems really good, just simply working on draughtsmanship rather than having to second guess and plan whilst drawing, is going to be refreshing.